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Elementals, better known as Ath'runai in their native tongue, are a race of near-human creatures native to the lands surrounding the region of Adewald. They are of similar build to humans, with the exception being those with earth characteristics. Those embodying the aspect of earth are capable of growing to a size and build more comparable to orcs.

From the time they are young, an elemental is taught how to better attune themselves with the element they embody. Years of meditation and strict mental discipline are a common staple among those seeking to truly master their latent abilities. 

Due to an elemental's nature, it is not uncommon for most to bare little resemblance to others of their kind. This holds true even for those who share a corresponding element. An elemental may appear wreathed in flames, possess bark or stone skin, at times mistaken for elemental spirits or even resemble creatures like dryads and nymphs. Or, they may appear almost entirely human, baring little indication of what they truly are. Regardless of appearance, should one of these people call upon their gifts there will be no denying what they truly are. 

While it is most common to find members of this people living among one another, it is not uncommon for those bold or curious few to venture out into the world of men. Due to their training, most elementals make for highly capable mages and spell casters.


Prime Elements


Attribute Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Unending Breath: You can hold your breathe indefinitely while you’re not incapacitated.

Force of Wind: Once per day you may call upon your bond with the air, blasting the wind around you, up to 3 enemies near you must make a saving throw of 4+ Wisdom or be knocked down for 2 rounds. (AC halved for One turn)


Attribute Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 1.

Earthen Ward: Once a day you may call upon your bond with the earth, weaving a layer of hard, rocky armor around your form in order to mitigate damage. As a fast action or reaction, you may cover yourself in hard, rocky armor, granting you a shield that mitigates 10 hitpoints of damage. For every point of strength the user has,the threshold of this shield increases by three hit points. You may call upon this ability once a day.


Attribute Score Increase: Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Breath of Fury: Once per day you may call upon your bond with the element of fire. Imbuing your attacks with a fiery inclination and adding an additional d3 per wisdom for 3 rounds. 


Attribute Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Amphibious: You can breath under water indefinitely.

Soothing Waters: Once per day you may call upon your bond with the element of water. Roll a 1d5, healing for the value rolled. For every point in wisdom, and additional roll dice may be added(..2d5,3d5,etc..) Using this ability, a water elemental may also remove one damage over time ability from the affected target.

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