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Lizardfolk are a diverse group of anthropomorphic humanoid creatures with reptilian features. They are impressively tall, standing between six to seven feet with a heavy weight to match. Lizardfolk feet ended with three strong talon-like claws with a fourth claw in the back, while their hands were similar with three claws with a thumb replacing the rear claw. A lizardfolk's head generally featured a blunt snout, a strong brow, and reptilian frills on the cheeks and ears. On the back of the head, a crest of hornlike scales formed what resembled a plumes of feather-like hair.

The average lizard lifespan varies from tribe to tribe, with the average span of life being generally comparable to that of men. However, it is not unheard of for one of this species to reach an age of two-hundred before succumbing to old age. Depending on tribe and subspecies, lizard culture may vary greatly from one tribe to the next.


The dragon-blooded Trivis’shtak clans are a fierce and independent subspecies with societal advancements on par with many human civilizations. The Van’sheel clans are more tribal and nomadic, preferring lives of seclusion along with a simpler standard of living. However, in recent times, a large majority of these two peoples have come together, falling behind a legendary warrior king.



Lizardfolk Tribes

Trivis’shtak (True Blood)


You may choose one point in Strength,Wisdom or Constitution.

Dragon's Cunning
You gain a passive modifier of +1 to all persuasion Dice Checks involving Str or Wis.

Truth of Blood
In ancient times, dragon kind held dominion over all. Dwarves,elves and men alike scattered before the dragons breath. The ancient dragons are no more, but their blood remains. As a Standard Action, Trivis’shtak may use the Dragon’s Breath ability against their enemies. When using this spell, target up to two enemies. You may then roll 1d5+2(Wis) against each target, or roll 1d5+2(Wis) twice against a single target.

This ability may be used once a day.

(NOTE: Trivis'shtak may breathe a single element of their choosing ranging from fire, ice, lightning, or poison. Reckless use of this ability could lead to collateral damage and will likely carry dire consequences. )

Van’sheel (Swamp Tribe)

Attribute Score Increase

You may choose one point in Strength, Constitution, or Intelligence.

Voracious Horror

The moment an enemy falls before you they have ceased being your enemy. By your right as victor, you may elect to make pray of the fallen, devouring them where they lay. When a beast or humanoid enemy dies in combat, you may use your Standard Action to cannibalize their corpse, healing for a value of 1d8+2(Str+Con). Small enemies such as dwarves and goblins may be eaten for a single turn. Medium sized enemies such as elves and men may be eaten for two turns. Large enemies such as other lizard folk may be eaten for up to three turns of combat.

 This ability may be used once a day.


(NOTE: Devouring humanoid enemies in civilized areas will be seen as a sin against nature and will likely carry dire consequences.)


 Lethal venoms and poisons inflicted upon you are less effective. DoT poison/venom durations inflicted upon you are reduced by half. 

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