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The Feonar, or more commonly: Fair Folk. Enigmatic and elusive beings, they are both beautiful and monstrous. Once, the mortal races of Halenoth revered and feared them. Until that is... they forgot them. Over the ages their numbers dwindled, and with it their names and images would begin to fade into obscurity. Now, these ethereal wonders are no more than fragmented memories. They are the monsters of cautionary wives tales, the characters of a bawdy sailor's song. And yet...

The boughs of the Deepwood stir, and the dark waters of the seas churn. Powers long asleep now awaken, and eyes that were once shut now open. Perhaps these creatures of legend will take shape and walk once more.

Racial Traits 

Attribute: Your Intellect score increases by 1.

Tricky Hearts: Gain a passive +1 to all stealth based trickery checks. 

Mask: All Feonar are capable of weaving illusory magics to hide their true forms and blend in among other races. For someone to see through the spell, they must succeed a wisdom perception check vs. 7 + the Feonar's wisdom score.

The Feonar may change their outward appearance once every
2 weeks of real life time. Immediately after a changing, for a period of 24 hours their stats are reduced by 50%. 





Attribute: Your Constitution score increases by 1

Poison Ivy: You are of the earth and your roots run as deeply as the trees of old. You do not bend the forces of nature as others would, but instead it harkens to your call. Once a day, the dryad can inflict a deadly poison on three enemy targets, doing 1d6+(Int + Wis) for two rounds. 

In combat, this poison cannot be cleansed before its duration runs out by anyone but the dryad herself. 

One with Nature: The Dryad is capable of communicating with both animals and plants, as though they share a secret language with one another. From this special communion, the dryad may learn secrets and or tidbits of information only the eyes and ears of the forests can gleam. 


Attribute: Your Wisdom score increases by 1. 

Fatal Allure: Once a day, you may call upon your innate power to communicate telepathically with a single target of your choosing. 


Target must make a wisdom saving throw vs a dc of 5 + Mer's Intel or be charmed for one round of combat. The charmed target must attack whoever the Mer commands them to. 

Darkvision: Accustomed to life in the dark and murky depths, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.


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