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Haunting, ethereal, strange. All are words that describe the reclusive race of humanoids known as elves. Tall, slender and graceful, elves are often possessed of long, lithe limbs, angular features and sharp pointed ears. Taller than men, and capable of greater feats of athleticism, an elf will rarely be mistaken for what they are. Enigmatic and slow to trust, there are many who claim the elves to be a cold and arrogant people that look down upon others without cause. However, there was indeed a time when elves stood apart from any other race in the world. 

Folk have since forgotten much of the race that once ruled through the ages, with much of their ancient history and lore lost with the passage of time. Few among even the eldest living elves are able to fully grasp just how far their once dominant race has fallen.

Aside from blessed immortality, little else of the people of eld remains in today’s race of elves, numerous and fractured as they are. Today, culture and custom among elves may vary greatly from one another as it would any other outside race. Further encroachment from other, more numerous races into elven territories have only exacerbated matters - a constant reminder that the world now moves at a pace they find difficult to follow. 


For as far as they have fallen in recent times, it may only speak to the greatness inherent within them that there are so many who yet wonder whether or not the best days of the elves are well and truly behind them.


Elven Traits

Attribute: Blessed with other wordly grace and agility, your ability to cover great distances with speed or scale with ease is one of your people's natural gifts. 

Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Keen Senses: As one of the elder races, your gift of sight and hearing is greater than that of mortals. Your eyes see farther and with ease in the darkness, and your hearing is sharp and highly perceptive. 

You gain one point in the Perception skill.

Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Elven Kinships


High Elf: The Ana'Sothir

Attribute: Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Elder Blood: Even to the most ill-inclined, magic is strong within your people's blood. With this innate mastery, you may alter the flow of time within your body, making you capable of feats in quick succession. Once a day you may call upon this ability, reducing the time of any active ability cool down by half.


Sylvan Elf: The Ana'Varith

Attribute: Your Strength score increases by 1. 

Mask of the Wild: When in the wilds, you are most comfortable, no matter the environment. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. You are granted a +2 bonus to your stealth and prowess checks when in any of these conditions. 


Dark Elf: The Ana’Dathran 

Attribute: Your Wisdom score increases by 1. 

Malefic Vigor: Hardship and discord are the hallmarks of the Ana'Dathran way of living. As a dark elf, you posses a far greater threshold for pain and fatigue. In no place is this more evident than on the field of battle. For a single round of combat, the resource cost of any actions and abilities may be reduced to 0.

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