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Magic of Halenoth



Magic In Adewalde: A long History of Violence

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Magic is the term given to the supernatural, reality warping force that mages and other casters bring forth whenever they cast a spell or invocation.

Magic does not exist within the physical world as air or water do, but is rather on a plane of reality adjacent to that of the physical realm. Fathomless and without limit, this strange and unknowable plane of existence is one of the many incorporeal realms created and fueled by the conscious thoughts and actions of all sentient creatures throughout the universe.

Though the use of magic is known and accepted within Adewalde, the region's history is rife with examples of violence and persecution committed against those with an affinity for the supernatural.


Following countless generations of oppression beneath the magically inclined race of elves, views of the arcane arts have always been less than favorable among the realms of men. Witches, sorcerers and necromancers are all broad terms with extremely negative connotations; often used to accuse a person suspected of casting magic or communing with forces beyond. 

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